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Gabriel’s Glossary: Illuminating the Mysteries of the Cosmos

Beloved Ones, I, Gabriel, have created this glossary to help you understand the unfamiliar names, places, and events that lie within these stories. Much of what I will share has remained hidden from humanity for millennia, and I recognize how disorienting such revelations can be. For countless generations, Urantia (your Earth) has been isolated—its truths obscured, its spiritual foundation shaken by rebellion, and its people left without the guiding presence they so desperately needed. But now, the veil has been lifted, and the time has come for you to see the greater universe of which you are an integral part.


The journey we embark upon here is one of liberation—not merely from ignorance, but from the shackles of fear, superstition, and falsehoods. The information in this glossary is a small key to the immense door that opens onto the reality of the Grand Universe. It is not merely a set of definitions but an invitation to connect with your divine heritage.


I understand that the ideas here may seem unfamiliar or even daunting. The goal is not to overwhelm you but to offer a gentle light, illuminating the path ahead and answering the deep questions that have long lingered in your hearts. You may find yourself wondering about the grand scheme of the cosmos, your place in it, or how such divine beings can truly care for an individual such as yourself. This glossary aims to provide you with the context to appreciate the stories you are about to read, and more importantly, to understand how these narratives reveal your own journey.


1. The Grand Universe – Scope and Structure: The Grand Universe is the totality of all creation, encompassing both the physical and spiritual realms. It consists of seven super-universes and a central universe called Havona. Each super-universe contains countless local universes, all operating under the love and guidance of the Paradise Trinity. Our current exploration focuses on the seventh super-universe, known as Orvonton, in which our local universe of Nebadon resides. The Grand Universe is vast beyond comprehension—billions of worlds spanning ages of evolutionary progress.


2. Paradise – The Eternal Center: Paradise is the divine center of all existence, the absolute home of the Universal Father, Eternal Son, and Infinite Spirit. It is not a star, nor a planet, but an eternal Isle that is the source of all energy, life, and personality in the cosmos. From Paradise, the divine radiates outward, touching every being and world with infinite love and purpose.


3. The Paradise Trinity – The Universal Father is the source of all. The Eternal Son is the perfect and co-equal expression of the Father’s infinite personality. The Infinite Spirit is the living union of Father and Son, the divine action that manifests creation. They are not three separate beings who cooperate—they are one unified reality in three essential expressions: Source, Expression, and Action.


4. Havona – The Perfect Central Universe: Havona is a realm of unimaginable beauty and perfection, comprising one billion worlds that orbit Paradise in concentric circles. Havona is eternal and unchanging—a place where the ascendant souls from evolutionary worlds journey for learning and spiritual growth, ultimately preparing to stand in the presence of the Universal Father. Havona is a model of divine perfection, a destination of awe and fulfillment for all ascending beings. Havona is the perfect creation of the Trinity


5. Super-universes – The Seven Major Divisions: The Grand Universe is divided into seven super-universes, each containing many local universes. Our super-universe is called Orvonton. Each super-universe is governed by three beings known as the Ancients of Days, beings of unimaginable wisdom, whose authority ensures divine justice and order across their vast domains.


6. Local Universe – A local universe is the creation of a Creator Son, formed as a part of one of the super-universes. Our local universe, Nebadon, is where Michael chose to establish his creation—a home to over 10 million inhabited planets. Nebadon is unique, infused with the personality of its Creator, who nurtures each evolving world with love and guidance.


7. Michael of Nebadon – The Creator Son: Michael is the Creator Son who formed Nebadon, your local universe, and who incarnated on Earth as Jesus of Nazareth. Michael is one of many Creator Sons who embody both the essence of the Universal Father and the Eternal Son, and who create and oversee their respective universes. Michael's seventh and final bestowal as Jesus granted him full sovereignty over Nebadon, forever uniting him with the beings he created.


8. Gabriel of Salvington – The Bright and Morning Star: Gabriel is the first creation of Michael and Nebadonia (the local representation of the Infinite Spirit). Gabriel is the chief executive and the divine messenger of Nebadon. He is responsible for executing Michael's will throughout the universe and acts as an intermediary between celestial beings and humanity.


9. Universal Father – The First Source and Center: The Universal Father is the original source of all existence—the primal personality from whom all creation stems. He is not just the ruler of all that is; He is a personal Father to each being in the universe, intimately involved in their lives through the presence of the Thought Adjuster, a fragment of His divinity placed within each of us.


10. Eternal Son – The Perfect Spirit of Creation: The Eternal Son is the perfect spiritual counterpart to the Universal Father, embodying His spirit nature fully. The Son works with the Father to bring forth the Creator Sons and is the pattern for all spiritual beings in the universe.


11. Infinite Spirit - The Divine Action: The Infinite Spirit completes the Trinity, representing the combined will of the Father and the Son. The Spirit is the source of mind, action, and creativity, and is intimately involved in all forms of creation and service.


12. Nebadonia – The Divine Minister: Nebadonia is the Mother Spirit of Nebadon, consort to Michael. She is the local universe representation of the Infinite Spirit and provides the nurturing presence that guides and ministers to all living beings in Nebadon.


13. Thought Adjuster (Father Fragment) - The Divine Presence Within: Thought Adjusters are actual fragments of the Universal Father's spirit, residing within every normal-minded human. They are the still, small voice that guides us toward truth, beauty, and goodness, urging us toward our divine potential and helping us to one day fuse with divinity and attain eternal life.


14. Lucifer Rebellion – A Devastating Insurrection: Lucifer, a high-ranking Lanonandek Son and System Sovereign, led a rebellion against Michael’s authority, advocating for total self-determination without divine influence. This act of insurrection, involving Caligastia, the Planetary Prince of Urantia, caused widespread suffering and spiritual isolation for many worlds, including Earth.


15. Urantia – Our Troubled World: Urantia is the celestial name for Earth. It is a world particularly scarred by past rebellion and has been spiritually isolated for millennia. Michael chose Urantia for his final bestowal because it embodied the greatest need—a need for healing, redemption, and divine love.


16. Satania System – A Planetary Collective: Satania is a local system within Nebadon, consisting of around 619 inhabited planets, one of which is Urantia. It is within Satania that the Lucifer Rebellion took place, impacting many of its worlds and leading to their temporary spiritual isolation.


17. Caligastia – The Fallen Planetary Prince: Caligastia was assigned as Urantia’s Planetary Prince to guide its early human civilization. He betrayed his trust by aligning with Lucifer during the rebellion, contributing significantly to Urantia’s spiritual turmoil and confusion. Caligastia is barely remembered as an individual in the current history of the planet, and has been amalgamated into the being many humans call the devil.


18. Planetary Prince – Guide of Evolving Worlds: A Planetary Prince is a celestial being assigned to oversee the development of a newly inhabited planet. Caligastia was the Prince of Urantia, tasked with guiding early human progress but instead chose rebellion, leading to chaos.


19. Adam and Eve – The Uplifters: Adam and Eve are Material Sons and Daughters who were sent to Urantia to biologically and socially uplift its people. However, their mission faltered, resulting in further delay of Urantia’s spiritual progress. Their default added to the challenges already posed by the Lucifer Rebellion.


20. Material Sons and Daughters – Biological Uplifters: These beings are created to physically and genetically uplift the evolving populations of a world. Adam and Eve were sent to Urantia for this purpose but encountered setbacks that prevented their full success.


21. Morontial Realm – The Intermediate State: The morontial is an intermediate phase between material existence and full spiritual realization. Upon physical death, souls transition to this realm where they continue their growth and education, preparing for spiritual ascension.


22. Ancients of Days - Super-universe Rulers: The Ancients of Days are the supreme governing personalities of the seven super-universes, residing in Uversa, the capital of Orvonton. They embody divine justice and are responsible for adjudicating matters across their realms.


23. Sovereignty of Michael – Ultimate Authority: Upon completing his seven bestowals, Michael attained full sovereignty over Nebadon, becoming its undisputed ruler. This sovereignty was not just a title; it was earned through experiencing life as his creations do, ultimately incarnating as Jesus on Urantia.


24. Magisterial Mission – A Divine Intervention: A Magisterial Mission is a mission led by a Paradise Son to guide a world through a critical stage of spiritual enlightenment. Urantia has yet to fully receive such intervention due to the complications of rebellion, but hope remains.


25. Declaration of Liberty - The pivotal proclamation by Lucifer rejecting the divine authority of Michael of Nebadon and the Universal Father. This statement of rebellion sought to redefine freedom as autonomy from divine governance but ultimately fragmented unity and sowed discord across the system of Satania.


26. Finaliters - Mortals who have fused with their Father Fragments and completed the long ascension journey to Paradise and attained spiritual perfection in the presence of the Universal Father. Their radiant presence and divine wisdom often challenge lesser beings, sparking both awe and, in Lucifer’s case, resentment.


27. Seventh Bestowal - The culminating mission of Michael of Nebadon, who incarnated as Jesus of Nazareth on Urantia. Through his life and death, Michael attained full sovereignty over his universe, offering a perfect example of divine love and obedience.


28. Spirit of Truth - The divine presence poured out upon all humanity following Michael’s bestowal. This spirit fosters spiritual discernment, moral courage, and a deeper connection to the divine. It serves as a unifying force, guiding mortals toward truth, beauty, and goodness.


29. Satania - The local system overseen by Lucifer before his rebellion. Comprised of approximately 1,000 inhabited worlds, Satania’s spiritual development was disrupted by Lucifer’s defiance, creating a legacy of confusion and division.


30. Jerusem - The administrative headquarters of Satania, a hub of celestial governance and spiritual activity. Jerusem was both the site of Lucifer’s betrayal and his ultimate judgement. Jerusem is the first major destination for the souls of ascending mortals after physical death on Earth.

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A Revelation for Our Time
The Portal Opens is not just a book—it’s a wake-up call. 
It bridges science, theology, and cosmic history, revealing Earth's hidden place in a quarantined universe. 
The time of separation is ending. What happens next will change everything.

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