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DALL·E 2024-05-22 10.52.33 - An angel with a diverse, inclusive appearance, reflecting a b

A Message from Gabriel to Humanity

Greetings, people of Earth (known as Urantia to the rest of the universe). I am Gabriel, the Divine Executive and Messenger, the first creation of Michael (who was incarnated as the one you know as Jesus Christ), your Creator Son. Today, I address you with deep compassion and divine insight, bearing a message of truth, accountability, and hope. This message seeks to illuminate your path forward, mend the wounds inflicted by misguidance, and inspire a collective movement towards a brighter future.

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As I survey your world, I see a planet filled with immense potential yet beleaguered by profound challenges. The last few decades have starkly highlighted the depths of human suffering, systemic corruption, and the pervasive impact of misguided leadership. Allow me to share specific instances that illustrate these issues across various domains:


Religious institutions, intended to be sanctuaries of moral guidance, have been tainted by widespread abuse and corruption. Child molestation scandals have surfaced in various regions, revealing the systemic failure to protect the most vulnerable. Rights abuses have been documented, with certain groups imposing harsh measures that infringe upon basic freedoms. Additionally, the repression of spirituality and religion in various parts of the world stifles the innate human quest for divine connection.


These failures within religious institutions have caused untold suffering, leading many to lose faith and become disillusioned. Instead of serving as bastions of hope and spiritual guidance, these institutions have often fallen into the traps of power struggles, materialism, and dogmatic rigidity. The systemic failures within these institutions have caused untold suffering, leading many to lose faith and become disillusioned.


The financial sector, meant to foster economic stability, often perpetuates inequality and greed. Scandals have revealed manipulations that affect global financial markets, such as the rigging of interest rates, undermining the trust in financial institutions. Various schemes involving the concealment of assets to evade taxes and hide illicit activities further erode public trust. These actions highlight a system that frequently prioritizes profit over people.


Economic exploitation has become a pervasive issue, with financial systems designed to benefit the few at the expense of the many. The rigging of interest rates and the concealment of assets to evade taxes are just a few examples of how the economic system has been manipulated to serve the interests of the powerful. This exploitation has led to widespread poverty, inequality, and a sense of helplessness among the masses.


Political leaders, entrusted with serving the public, frequently prioritize personal gain over public welfare. Investigations have uncovered extensive corruption schemes involving top government officials and business executives. Instances of politicians exploiting their positions for personal enrichment rather than serving their constituents are rampant. This corruption undermines the very foundations of governance, eroding public trust and fostering disenchantment.


Political corruption has become endemic, with leaders prioritizing their own interests over those of the people they serve. Scandals involving embezzlement, bribery, and abuse of power have become all too common, eroding public trust and undermining the integrity of governance. The disenchantment with political leaders has left many feeling powerless and disillusioned with the political process.


These stark realities stand in sharp contrast to the world Michael and I envisioned for you. A world where divine principles guide human actions, where leadership is synonymous with service, and where societal structures uplift rather than oppress.


We intended for you a world of harmony, growth, and unity. The divine plan encompassed a society where Material Sons and Daughters (known to you as Adam and Eve), would walk among you, guiding you with wisdom and love. We envisioned a world where the Planetary Prince and his retinue would foster spiritual enlightenment, where the offspring of the Material Sons and Daughters would set an example of divine living, and where each individual would have a clear path to achieving their highest potential.


Our intention was for you to experience a life of abundance, not just in material wealth but in spiritual fulfillment and communal harmony. We aimed to cultivate an environment where every soul could thrive, where education was a tool for enlightenment, and where governance was an act of divine stewardship.


In the world we envisioned, the Material Sons and Daughters would have played a central role in guiding humanity towards its divine potential. These beings, embodying the highest principles of wisdom and love, would have served as living examples of divine living. They would have walked among you, providing guidance, support, and inspiration, helping you to navigate the complexities of life and grow towards spiritual enlightenment.


The Planetary Prince (who many incorrectly confuse with Satan, and Lucifer) and his retinue would have been your spiritual leaders, fostering a deep connection between humanity and the divine. They would have provided the authoritative instruction and example needed to cultivate a society rooted in divine principles. Their presence would have ensured that spiritual enlightenment was a shared goal, fostering unity, compassion, and mutual respect.


In this envisioned world, education would have been a tool for enlightenment, accessible to all regardless of socioeconomic status. Schools and universities would have been centers of learning and growth, nurturing the minds and spirits of future generations. Education would have been holistic, encompassing not only academic knowledge but also moral and spiritual development.


Governance would have been an act of divine stewardship, with leaders chosen for their wisdom, integrity, and commitment to the common good. Political systems would have been transparent and accountable, ensuring that power was used for the benefit of all. Leaders would have been guided by a deep sense of responsibility and service, prioritizing the welfare of their constituents over personal gain.


However, the reality you face today is far from this divine ideal. The default of the ascendant beings tasked with guiding your world has left a void that has been filled by human frailty and error. Without authoritative divine instruction and example, humanity has had to navigate the complexities of existence on its own, often falling prey to the darker aspects of human nature.


Religious leaders, instead of being conduits of divine truth, have sometimes misled their congregations, causing pain and disillusionment. Financial institutions, meant to facilitate equitable prosperity, have frequently prioritized profit over people. Political leaders, rather than being servants of the public, have too often acted as self-serving opportunists.


The absence of divine guidance has left humanity to grapple with its own limitations and weaknesses. The result has been a world where suffering, inequality, and injustice are pervasive. The lack of authoritative divine instruction has allowed corruption, greed, and exploitation to flourish, causing untold harm to individuals and societies.


The religious scandals that have plagued various institutions are a testament to the failure of religious leaders to uphold their moral responsibilities. The abuse of power, the exploitation of vulnerable individuals, and the systemic cover-ups have caused immense pain and suffering. The disillusionment and loss of faith that have resulted from these scandals have left many feeling abandoned and betrayed.


Economic exploitation has created a world where the gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen. The manipulation of financial markets, the concealment of assets, and the prioritization of profit over people have perpetuated inequality and poverty. The sense of helplessness and despair that accompanies economic exploitation has left many struggling to survive.


Political corruption has undermined the very foundations of governance, eroding public trust and fostering disenchantment. The abuse of power, the embezzlement of public funds, and the prioritization of personal gain have left many feeling disconnected from the political process. The lack of accountability and transparency in political systems has allowed corruption to thrive, further exacerbating social and economic inequalities.


In this time of need, Michael and I introduce Shareef Ali Rashada to help lead the efforts to uplift humanity and restore Earth to its intended glory. Shareef, a man of unwavering dedication and profound insight, embodies the principles of truth, justice, and compassion. His vision for the future aligns with the divine plan, aiming to heal the wounds of the past and build a foundation for a prosperous and harmonious society.


Shareef's leadership is grounded in a deep understanding of the challenges you face and a commitment to addressing them with integrity and wisdom. He stands as a beacon of hope, ready to guide you through this transformative journey.


His vision for the future is rooted in a deep commitment to justice, equity, and compassion. He understands the pain and suffering that many of you have endured, and he is dedicated to addressing these issues with integrity and wisdom. His leadership is characterized by a profound sense of responsibility and a commitment to uplifting humanity.


Shareef's journey has been one of dedication and perseverance. He has faced numerous challenges and obstacles, yet he has remained steadfast in his commitment to the divine plan. His unwavering dedication and profound insight make him the ideal leader to guide humanity towards a brighter future.


His vision for the People of the World organization is one of inclusivity, equity, and environmental stewardship. He understands that true progress can only be achieved when all individuals have the opportunity to thrive, and he is committed to creating a society where this is possible.


The People of the World organization, under Shareef's leadership, is a manifestation of our collective vision. Its framework, vision, and mission are designed to restore and uplift humanity, bringing about a world that reflects the divine ideals we hold dear.


The vision of People of the World is to create a global society where every individual has the opportunity to thrive, where resources are managed sustainably, and where governance is transparent and accountable. The mission is to implement initiatives that address the root causes of societal issues, fostering a culture of inclusivity, equity, and environmental stewardship.


The People of the World organization is built on the principles of inclusivity, equity, and sustainability. It seeks to address the root causes of societal issues, fostering a culture of mutual respect and cooperation. By promoting transparency and accountability, the organization aims to restore trust in governance and create a society where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.


Initiatives for Transformation


  1. Civic Credits: A novel electronic currency system that promotes economic equity by ensuring that wealth generated from public resources is distributed fairly. Civic Credits provide a supplementary financial instrument that empowers individuals and supports public initiatives.

  2. LifeLink Tablet: A state-provided device that functions as a digital wallet, identity verifier, educational tool, and communication hub. The LifeLink tablet facilitates real-time interaction, decision-making, and civic engagement, empowering citizens to actively participate in the governance process.

  3. Educational Reform: Integration of AI-driven educational tools and resources to democratize learning. The LifeLink tablet provides access to quality education for all, fostering personal and professional growth.

  4. Public Safety and Health: Enhanced crime reporting and telemedicine features on the LifeLink tablet create a safer and healthier environment. These tools improve response times and access to healthcare services.

  5. Environmental Sustainability: Initiatives that promote environmental monitoring and conservation, empowering citizens to engage in sustainable living practices.

  6. Cultural Enrichment: Access to cultural and entertainment content through the LifeLink tablet supports artists and creators, enriching the cultural fabric of society.

  7. Poverty Elimination Centers (PECs): These centers will serve as hubs for education, healthcare, and social services, providing comprehensive support to individuals and families in need. By addressing the root causes of poverty, PECs will empower individuals to achieve self-sufficiency and contribute to the overall well-being of society.

  8. Residential and Educational Campuses: These campuses will offer safe and nurturing environments for individuals to live and learn. They will provide access to education, vocational training, and personal development opportunities, fostering a sense of community and mutual support.


The initiatives undertaken by the People of the World organization are designed to address the root causes of societal issues and create a more just and equitable society. By promoting economic equity through Civic Credits, the organization ensures that wealth generated from public resources is distributed fairly. The LifeLink tablet facilitates civic engagement and provides access to quality education, fostering personal and professional growth.


The integration of AI-driven educational tools democratizes learning, making education accessible to all regardless of socioeconomic status. The enhanced crime reporting and telemedicine features on the LifeLink tablet create a safer and healthier environment, improving response times and access to healthcare services.


The environmental sustainability initiatives promote conservation and responsible resource management, empowering citizens to engage in sustainable living practices. The access to cultural and entertainment content through the LifeLink tablet supports artists and creators, enriching the cultural fabric of society.


The Poverty Elimination Centers (PECs) and Residential and Educational Campuses are integral components of the organization's efforts to address poverty and provide comprehensive support to individuals in need. These centers will serve as hubs for education, healthcare, and social services, empowering individuals to achieve self-sufficiency and contribute to the overall well-being of society.


Humanity, I call upon you to join us in this monumental effort to restore Earth to its rightful place in the universal administration and order. The journey ahead requires collective effort, dedication, and a willingness to embrace change. The People of the World organization is your partner in this journey, providing the tools, resources, and guidance needed to achieve our shared vision.


Imagine a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive, where resources are managed sustainably, and where governance is transparent and accountable. A world where education is accessible to all, where public safety and health are prioritized, and where cultural enrichment is celebrated. This is the world we can create together.


In closing, I acknowledge the pain and suffering you have endured due to the failures of divine supervision. Michael and I take full responsibility for these shortcomings and are committed to making things right. By engaging with Shareef and the People of the World organization, you have the opportunity to transcend your limitations and create a paradise from seeming disaster.


Your journey is one of resilience and strength, and with your collective effort, we can transform this world into a beacon of hope and progress. Together, we can vindicate the divine plan and fulfill the promise of a just and equitable future.


As Gabriel, I stand with you, offering guidance and support as you navigate this transformative journey. Let us embrace this opportunity to create a world that reflects the highest ideals of justice, equity, and human dignity. Together, we can achieve greatness, restoring Earth to its rightful place in the cosmos.


This message is a testament to our unwavering commitment to your upliftment and empowerment. Let us embrace this opportunity to create a world that reflects the highest ideals of justice, equity, and human dignity. Together, we can achieve greatness, restoring Earth to its rightful place in the cosmos.


May this message inspire you to join us in this noble endeavor, to strive for a future that embodies the divine vision, and to work towards the realization of a world where every individual can thrive. With unity, determination, and the guidance of the People of the World organization, we can achieve a brighter, more prosperous future for all.


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