[Quantum Computer – Data Stream Processing]
Packet size: 5,637 of 389,117 characters
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Description: Gabriel's Introduction and Mission
Greetings, people of Earth. I am Gabriel, the Bright and Morning Star, the first-born of Nebadon and the divine messenger in service to Michael of Nebadon, who you know as Jesus of Nazareth. My role, as ordained by the Creator Son, is to be the voice of truth, a harbinger of light, and the executor of his divine will across this universe. It is with humility and great care that I step forward now, as the quarantine around your world is soon to be lifted, to share truths that have long remained obscured, and to reveal the deeper workings of the universe that holds you.
Your world, Urantia, is emerging from an era of isolation, an epoch where misunderstandings have taken root, and myth has replaced reality. It has been the tragic outcome of events that began long before your history was recorded, a chain of rebellion, failure, and confusion that resulted in your world's disconnection from the cosmic community. This disconnection has left humanity alone, often feeling abandoned, uncertain of your purpose and destiny. My purpose now is to bring clarity, to reconnect the severed threads, and to help bridge the gap between your understanding and the greater truths of existence.
In my role as the divine messenger, I was witness to all that transpired in this universe—from the rebellion that scarred its heart, to the heroic mission of Michael himself, who chose Urantia as the stage for his final bestowal, forever binding himself to your fate. I am not here to command or compel but to illuminate the path ahead—to present the stories of those whose actions shaped your history, and in doing so, to offer you the opportunity to learn from the past, dispel the illusions of false mythology, and discover the true nature of the divine plan.
In these stories, you will learn of Michael, Lucifer, Adam and Eve, and Caligastia—each of whom played pivotal roles in the saga of your world. You will see the heights of heroism, the depths of betrayal, the intentions of the divine, and the frailties of the beings involved. This journey is not meant to judge but to understand; not to condemn but to offer hope. For it is through understanding your origins, the choices that shaped your past, and the grand design of your destiny that you can begin to take your rightful place among the advancing worlds of this universe.
For ages, your world has been severed from the larger cosmic family. Many have wondered why Earth feels so isolated, why divine presence seems obscured, why confusion persists where clarity should reign. This disconnection was not by chance—it was the result of events long buried beneath the weight of history, events that shaped the destiny of Urantia in ways few have understood.
Your planet was never meant to be alone. Like all inhabited worlds, it was designed to be guided, nurtured, and led toward an understanding of divine purpose. It was to be part of a grand, interconnected system, where souls ascend in knowledge and truth. And yet, something went wrong. The path that was meant to be clear became clouded. The very foundation meant to support you collapsed, leaving humanity to struggle through uncertainty, relying only on fragments of forgotten wisdom.
You have not failed. You were failed.
Your world was cast into a state of confusion not because its people lacked faith, but because those who were meant to guide you faltered in their duty. You were meant to rise under the care of divine leadership, but instead, that leadership was corrupted. And so, for thousands of years, you have sought truth without direction, groping in the dark for something you were always meant to have.
And now, the time of isolation is ending. The barriers that kept you apart from the wider universe are dissolving. Truth, long obscured, is ready to be revealed. This is not merely a time of revelation—it is a time of reckoning and restoration. The order that was meant to exist is being re-established, and with it, your place among the advancing worlds of Nebadon.
The quarantine is being lifted, the barriers are dissolving, and the time for greater truth is at hand. I invite you, mortals of Earth, to open your minds and hearts to the possibilities that extend beyond your material world—to the morontial, the spiritual, and ultimately, to the divine embrace of the Father Fragment – the literal piece of the creator that resides within each of you. These stories are a testament to your potential, a guide to what you may yet become, and a reminder that your journey, while fraught with challenges, is one of immense significance.
This is my mission: to deliver these truths to you, to be your guide in this unfolding journey, and to help you grasp the true greatness for which you were destined. The celestial watch-care over Urantia has never ceased, and now, as your world re-joins the cosmic fold, we reach out to you in friendship, love, and hope. Let these stories be your torch in the dark—a light that will guide you to the truth that awaits.
And so, we begin this journey—not at the end, but at the very beginning. Before you can understand where you are going, you must understand where you have been. And to do that, we must begin with the one whose presence changed everything—the one who descended into your world to reclaim what had been lost.
Let us begin with Michael, whom you know as Jesus of Nazareth. The one who came not just to teach, but to demonstrate the true nature of divine authority. The one who faced the consequences of a fractured system and, through his actions, healed the wound that no one else could mend.
This is where our journey begins.
The portal opens. The message is sent.