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People of the World - Ministry and Service


"To become a leading global organization that fosters comprehensive spiritual, educational, and social growth, transforming the way humanity understands its purpose and destiny."



"To unite humanity in peace and fellowship, advance global education and understanding, and promote spiritual and artistic expression through the teachings of the Urantia Book."



Humanity holding hands in unity



While there are many organizations created to retrieve lost souls and rehabilitate the criminal or substance abusing element, few institutions exist to reward and further moral behavior and selfless duty to the service of humanity. The Nobel Peace Prize stands out as a reward for dedication to brotherhood, but remains alone when asked to consider more – tangible rewards of positive living and service to human unity. People of the World aims to fill that gap by creating an international society encompassing all strata of peoples, working towards the common goal of human upliftment and liberty and rewarding those who uplift humanity, while they are still alive and with us.



Present Situation

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