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The Harm of the Atonement Doctrine

Writer: GabrielGabriel

Updated: May 23, 2024


The atonement doctrine, which posits that Jesus' death was a necessary sacrifice to atone for humanity's sins, has been a central tenet of Christian theology for centuries. However, this doctrine has also been a source of theological confusion and moral conflict. The Urantia Book offers a different perspective on Jesus' mission and the meaning of his death. This blog explores the harm caused by the atonement doctrine and why updating your understanding with the insights from the Urantia Book is essential for your spiritual growth and enlightenment.

The Atonement Doctrine: Traditional View

Traditional Beliefs:

  • The atonement doctrine is rooted in the belief that humanity's sinfulness necessitated a divine sacrifice to reconcile humans with God. According to this doctrine, Jesus' crucifixion was the ultimate act of atonement, satisfying divine justice and enabling salvation.

The Urantia Book's Perspective:

  • The Urantia Book rejects the atonement doctrine, presenting Jesus' mission as a revelation of God's love and truth rather than a sacrificial atonement for sin. It emphasizes that Jesus' death was a consequence of human actions and not a divine requirement for salvation.

The Harm of the Atonement Doctrine

Theological Confusion:

  • The atonement doctrine has led to theological confusion and conflict, as different interpretations and understandings of this concept have emerged over time. This has resulted in doctrinal disputes and divisions within Christianity.

Moral Conflict:

  • The idea that an innocent being had to suffer and die to atone for the sins of others can create moral conflict and discomfort. It raises questions about the nature of divine justice and the ethics of vicarious sacrifice.

Exclusionary Practices:

  • The atonement doctrine has sometimes been used to justify exclusionary practices, suggesting that only those who accept this specific belief can attain salvation. This has led to religious intolerance and division.

The Need for Updated Knowledge

Reconciling Beliefs and Practices:

  • The Urantia Book's perspective on Jesus' mission provides a clear and coherent framework for understanding the meaning of his life and death. It reconciles varying beliefs and practices, offering a consistent and morally uplifting perspective.


  • Understanding Jesus' mission as a revelation of God's love and truth encourages you to focus on personal spiritual growth, moral choices, and alignment with divine will. It fosters a deeper sense of purpose and meaning, guiding you toward the fulfillment of your divine potential.

The Urantia Book's Insights:

  • The Urantia Book provides practical guidance for recognizing and following the teachings of Jesus. It emphasizes the importance of personal spiritual growth, moral decisions, and the cultivation of virtues, encouraging you to seek alignment with divine will and the fulfillment of your eternal destiny.


Updating your understanding of Jesus' mission and rejecting the atonement doctrine is essential for your spiritual growth and enlightenment. The Urantia Book offers a detailed and coherent explanation of Jesus' life and teachings, providing valuable insights for nurturing and developing your spiritual potential. By embracing these insights, you can foster greater harmony, compassion, and enlightenment among humanity, guiding you toward a brighter and more unified future.



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