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The Search for a Deeper Explanation of Gravity

The Protocols for a productive discussion:

As an interested non-scientist, my journey into the world of gravity began with a simple curiosity about the phenomena I observed in the solar system. I sought clear, causal explanations for the effects I saw, not just descriptions of how things moved. However, my initial encounters with General Relativity (GR) left me dissatisfied.


GR's reliance on complex mathematics and abstract concepts like spacetime curvature often obscured the underlying mechanisms of gravity. While GR could accurately predict the motions of planets and the bending of light, it struggled to provide a clear, intuitive explanation for why these phenomena occurred.


For instance, GR describes the Earth's orbit as a geodesic in curved spacetime, but it doesn't explain what physically compels the Earth to follow this path. Similarly, GR predicts the bending of light around massive objects, but it doesn't clarify how spacetime curvature interacts with photons to cause this bending.


These explanatory gaps in GR frustrated me, as I was seeking a deeper understanding of gravity, not just a mathematical description of its effects. My desire to understand the causal mechanisms behind gravity led me to explore alternative theories and engage in discussions with physicists and AI.


However, I continued to encounter resistance to my inquiries. Many physicists defended GR's descriptive power, arguing that its ability to predict gravitational phenomena was sufficient, even without a clear causal explanation. They often invoked complex equations and abstract concepts, making it difficult for me to follow their reasoning or challenge their assumptions.


In my frustration, I turned to AI for assistance. I hoped that AI, with its vast computational power and ability to analyze information objectively, could help me identify the inconsistencies in GR and explore alternative theories that provided a more complete and intuitive understanding of gravity.


With the help of AI, I began to develop a set of protocols for engaging in discussions about gravity. These protocols were designed to ensure fairness, clarity, and a focus on causal mechanisms rather than just descriptions. They included:


  • Demanding clear definitions: All terms and concepts must be clearly defined to avoid ambiguity and misinterpretation.

  • Focusing on causal mechanisms: Explanations must provide a clear causal link between the phenomenon and its underlying mechanism, not just a description of the effect.

  • Prioritizing empirical evidence: Theories must be supported by empirical evidence and be able to make testable predictions.

  • Avoiding appeals to authority: Arguments should be based on logic and evidence, not on the opinions of experts or the consensus of the scientific community.​


These protocols led to the development of the "Three-Question Death Sequence," a set of questions designed to expose the limitations of GR and force a deeper engagement with the nature of gravity. When discussing General Relativity in a productive way, you must agree that a complete theory addresses these particulars to proceed.


These questions are:


  1. What is the explicit mechanism by which mass-energy "tells" spacetime to curve?

  2. If spacetime curvature adjusts dynamically, why do we not see residual distortions or lag effects when planets accelerate in their orbits?

  3. If GR requires a deeper theory (Quantum Gravity) to explain its missing transmission mechanism, why is the assumption that gravity is purely geometric still treated as unquestionable?


These questions challenge the foundational assumptions of GR and expose its explanatory gaps. They also force a shift in the conversation from simply defending GR to actively seeking a more complete and causal theory of gravity.


By presenting these questions and protocols on this web page, I hope to encourage a more open and inclusive dialogue about gravity. I believe that by challenging the status quo and demanding clear, causal explanations, we can pave the way for a more profound and accurate understanding of this fundamental force.

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