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Description: Melchizedek Introduction




Greetings, dear seekers. As the cosmic quarantine lifts and light begins to pour once more into the corners of your isolated world, a great opportunity stands before you—an invitation to awaken, to understand, and to participate consciously in the unfolding of a grand cosmic narrative. What follows is no ordinary series of lessons. It is a carefully transmitted set of discourses from one of Urantia’s most devoted guardians, Machiventa Melchizedek, who speaks with the authority of deep experience, cosmic knowledge, and unwavering love for humanity.


   Previously, you encountered the tumultuous story of Adam and Eve, their noble mission, and their tragic default. Their story illuminated the difficult conditions under which Urantia has struggled for millennia. Now, through these lectures, you are offered not only understanding but also the tools and inspiration to rise beyond those limitations—to build enduring souls, to grasp the nature of personality, and to embrace your role as cosmic citizens.


   This transmission begins with an introduction to Machiventa Melchizedek and his mission on Urantia, followed by a deep exploration of core spiritual principles. Each lecture builds upon the last, weaving together the themes of personal growth, universal purpose, and spiritual ascension. As you engage with these teachings, remember that you are not merely passive recipients. You are invited to be active participants, co-creators of a new epoch of light on Urantia.



May you read these words with open hearts, discerning minds, and a spirit ready to act.

In service to truth and enlightenment,

Divine Messenger of Nebadon

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A Revelation for Our Time
The Portal Opens is not just a book—it’s a wake-up call. 
It bridges science, theology, and cosmic history, revealing Earth's hidden place in a quarantined universe. 
The time of separation is ending. What happens next will change everything.

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