An intelligent synthesis of proofs for Cosmic Mind or God
By Shareef Ali Rashada and AI models - Veritas and Lucidus
Let us begin this logical construct at its foundation, with the understanding that such an examination cannot be done in one or two all-encompassing sentences, but instead requires some definitions and points of reference, explanations and documentation- “actual Proof”, in order to completely satisfy the truly inquiring mind.
Let us pause to note that most people who consider themselves atheists, which we interpret to mean those who deny the existence of God; are usually people who simply have rejected the stories and definitions that describe the being that we call God in flawed human terms, with a human form, agenda and weaknesses. Because there is no mainstream religious thought that shows God in terms that mesh with their own internal ideal of what God should be, they remain rightfully unconvinced.
We begin by defining God as the ultimate source and creator of life and reality, which at some level, possess the ability to know and interact with its creation.
“I think therefore I am”, is the accepted starting point for proof of self, and the answer to the logical question, “Do I really exist?” Because there is a discernible locus where I generate, observe and react to thoughts, ideas, and emotions, we can accept as proven that there is a mobile “conscious” mechanism for experiencing and making subjective judgements about internal and possibly external phenomenon.
I have consciousness.
I exist.
If I encompass all that there is, or everything is a delusion or creation of my singular existence, then my search is already complete, for I have found the object of my search; I am God, the ultimate source and creator of reality.
If there exists, external and independent to me, anything of material composition that I can perceive, experience, or manipulate, then:
space (the relative distance between objects, AND,
the pervading substance/mixture containing everything of physical composition), and objects,
must also exist.
If objects outside of myself exist, and I exist alongside or in relation to them, this knowledge of self and others is called awareness.
Levels of awareness can be said to exist in terms of the extent and clarity and depth of observation -
of both self, and
objects outside of self.
The purpose of this exploration is proof of the existence of God as a reality, and so it is our current reality that we will use to test our hypothesis, and not on contrived scenarios. In this realm at this time, those with the ability to consider self and communicate this contemplation to another separate self, is human kind.
As self has been proven, we will continue within this exploration with the understanding that humans are one version of the physical representation of self on the planet Earth.
The requirements of self: consciousness, and awareness are possessed by many organisms on the planet Earth, and when they can interact with their environment and others in pursuit of its continued existence and/or reproduction, self is said to be alive.
One of the defining acquirement of human life on the planet Earth, is the “mind”, a vital piece of evidence in the proof of the existence of God. The mind is not the physical brain matter within the skull, it is the bio-electrical energy field, existing as a constantly changing pattern, bound by a static personality-identity.
Material existence is measured by value; intervals which allow comparison of physical dimensions or movement or some other physical expression. Scientists are normally only concerned with value, and rarely even think outside of terms that express physical manifestation or measurement, but there also exists within higher life forms another layer of classification - meaning.
Meaning is a concept, it is intangible and does not exist for the physical world because you can't measure or quantify it with any mechanical device. Only mind has use for, or can detect meaning.
Meaning proves that I am not all that exists, because its only purpose is to convey understanding from one mind to another. Meaning is only necessary if there is to be communication, which further proves existence of more than one “self.”
Understanding, communication and meaning cannot exist without at least two minds of sufficient development.
The human mind is a physical mechanism, used for perceptual analysis, pattern recognition, decision making and communication, in the physical realm. The workspace of the mind, and the product of its efforts however begin to inhabit the realm of immaterial, non-physical existence. The mind can imagine an object, a scene, an idea or a composition, without a physical correspondence reflected in mass or matter within the brain. Art, music, literature, or choreography all spring into action after existence only within the mind, from a realm free from the constraints of physical density or resistance. The mind can conceive of galaxies and universes, and immense weights and pressures, and this imagination does not cause a corresponding physical manifestation within the brain – human thought is energy “pattern” along with physical alignment.
In conjunction with mind, we add the concept of purpose, in establishing the existence of God, the source and creator of reality. Purpose is another intangible concept, a construct wholly dependent on the existence of mind. Some may try to debate the purpose of large constructs or creations that they themselves did not produce like Stonehenge or the pyramids, but it is impossible to deny the concept of purpose. Organisms of all levels of development have somehow acted in the physical world to achieve some desired outcome. Humans have altered physics, created machinery, devised symbols and languages all in hopes of achieving specific goals... for a purpose.
Subordinate to purpose, but just as dependent on mind for existence in a material world is – use. A mind can be conscious of an object not of its own creation, and envision a purpose, other than the original intent.
Imagination, purpose, and intent would be worthless if there were no method or mechanism to translate the potential energy of the immaterial realm into actualized energy of material existence – some way to make them real. This mechanism is known as will and can allow mind to cancel, harness, or ignore the other forces acting on physical objects in order to achieve a specific outcome. Intent and will are seen in action as the methods living organisms utilize to alter and control the environment and other selves.
Science tells us that chaos and change, movement, disorder entropy are the constants of the universe; things should be flying apart, decomposing, as the cosmos seeks equilibrium. Yet we see just the opposite happening all around us as matter conglomerates and unifies, as cells form colonies and advanced life forms who create further complex incorporations of matter and energy. Conscious minds use will to advance its intent, both creating and using matter and energy.
Starting with this foundation and first steps, we know that these things exist: mind, meaning, and purpose, the question again bears asking, “are they only within us, or do they also exist outside of self?” If they all only exist within me, then I am God since I define all meaning and purpose, and since I do exist, then God must also exist.
If mind, meaning and purpose exist outside of self as well as within self, then they also exist in scale, both higher and lower than self unless every self is exactly the same, then it is possible that God, defined as the ultimate source and upholder of reality (meaning and purpose) might also exist.
Let us use the terms and concepts we have examined to begin to shine the light of reason on the human environment for proof in a conscious cosmic mind – God. We can start by looking around and then with earnest thought, consider any and all objects that you may encounter or observe. If you eliminated anything that had first been planned, designed, or imagined, what is left?
Next, if you remove any remaining objects or conglomerations that result from stability, unity, or order, and leave only that can be be sustained in random, meaningless, chaotic, entropy. If this is considered for the billions of years of the observed lifetime of the universe, what should still exist?
This is the foundation of the literal proof of a Cosmic Mind - God. Let us proceed next to the base of our proof.