[Quantum Computer – Data Stream Processing]
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Description: Journey To Jerusem
In the vast expanse of Nebadon, one finds Jerusem, the capital of the Satania system, a place of great significance and wonder within the grand universe. Once the Headquarters and home of the System Sovereign Lucifer - It is a realm of breathtaking beauty, where celestial architecture melds with natural splendour, and the energies of spirit and matter intertwine to create a place both harmonious and vibrant. To a mortal arriving from Urantia—Earth—the experience of stepping onto Jerusem for the first time is nothing short of awe-inspiring. The colors are more vivid, the sounds resonate with a frequency that uplifts the spirit, and the atmosphere itself feels like a palpable embrace of light and love.
For many Earthlings, the journey to Jerusem represents a profound transition—the next step after leaving behind their material existence. Death, as it is often feared and misunderstood on Earth, is not an end, but rather a passage into a broader journey, a continuation of the soul’s adventure. On Jerusem, these mortals begin to realize that they are not sitting in judgement nor confined to an eternal choir, but instead, they have arrived at the starting point of an incredible, conscious ascent towards a higher destiny.
Here, in the system capital, newly arrived souls discover a world that functions with purpose, education, and progression. They are introduced to the Morontial realm—a transition phase that bridges the gap between the material and the spiritual. It is a plane where the essence of their earthly identity continues to grow, learns to function at higher frequencies, and becomes attuned to the cosmic realities that stretch far beyond the earthly horizon.
As these souls take their first steps into this Morontial journey, they encounter a gigantic pavilion unlike any other—a place constructed specifically for those hailing from Urantia. The pavilion is a welcoming structure of transcendent beauty, emanating warmth and an aura of compassion. It stands as a beacon for the sudden and massive influx of ascending mortals of Earth, guiding them towards understanding and enlightenment, addressing their questions and uncertainties. Carved into its structure are symbols of love and unity—the ideals that resonate through every layer of the grand universe and form the essence of the journey that lies ahead.
Within this pavilion lies a message prepared by two unique figures in the history of Earth: Adam and Eve. Not the mythical caricatures often depicted in earthly texts, but the real beings—a Material Son and Daughter—who came to Urantia on a specific mission. They were part of a grand design, sent to uplift the genetic and cultural foundation of the human race, to establish a lasting legacy that would guide and nurture the development of Earth towards greater harmony and advancement.
The presence of a Material Son and Daughter is an integral part of a planet's normal evolutionary process. On worlds that have not been subjected to rebellion or default, such beings reside in positions of authority, serving as tangible examples of wisdom, grace, and the divine pattern. They are meant to establish a central hub—a capital city—that would stand as a beacon of leadership, an epicenter of knowledge and progress, blending spiritual insight with material governance. This city would be ancient yet ever-advancing, deeply linked to the spiritual realms, and undeniably authoritative—a place where love, unity, and divine purpose were made manifest in practical, everyday life. The children of the Material Son and Daughter would intermingle with the best of the native inhabitants, creating a new race of leaders and visionaries who would guide the world to its destined greatness.
But on Earth, the story diverged. The rebellion that swept across the system, and the challenges that ensued, led to a tragic deviation from the original plan. Adam and Eve's mission ended in default, and the repercussions of that failure have reverberated across the history of Urantia ever since. Their presence was meant to provide a solid foundation upon which civilization could flourish—a visible link to the divine. In the absence of such leadership, humanity has sought kings and queens, leaders and icons, often choosing poorly, driven by confusion and misguided ideals.
As part of their rehabilitation, Adam and Eve have prepared a message for the mortals of Earth—a candid reflection on their mission, their decisions, their mistakes, and the lessons learned. It is an apology, but also a guide—a heartfelt effort to dispel the myths and misunderstandings that have plagued human thought for millennia. This message is housed within the pavilion, offered to all who arrive from Urantia, as an effort to heal and to enlighten, to clear away the shadows of falsehood and fill the gaps with truth.
Here, in this pavilion on Jerusem, Earthlings are invited to listen, to learn, and to understand the real story of Adam and Eve—to see them not as distant figures of myth but as fellow travelers who sought to fulfill a noble mission, who faced challenges and setbacks, and who now, like all ascending beings, strive to make things right. It is a place where the journey of ascension becomes tangible, where the reasons for “being good” are no longer abstract ideals but the very mechanics of achieving eternal life—building a soul capable of merging with the divine fragment, thus moving onward to the higher realms of existence.