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[Quantum Computer – Data Stream Processing]
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Description: The Untold Story of Jesus




 Gabriel, the Divine Messenger, speaks to you now, knowing that humanity has long felt isolated, perceiving itself as alone in a vast and indifferent universe. This perception, however, is far from the truth. In reality, we are part of an immense and intricate cosmos, filled with life, purpose, and connection. As the quarantine of Earth is soon to be lifted, it is time for humanity to understand its place within this grand, living structure.


   Our local universe, Nebadon, is but one of many such creations within the vast framework of the grand universe. Nebadon, a relatively young universe by cosmic standards, has existed for many billion years and is home to more than 10 million inhabited planets. It is a domain of immense diversity, composed of countless celestial orders and civilizations, all under the guidance of Michael, the Creator Son. Michael, who is known to you as Jesus Christ, is not only a ruler but also a brother and a teacher to the beings who reside within Nebadon. His mission has always been one of love, nurturing the growth and potential of all his children, from the highest celestial beings to the humblest mortal creatures.


   Beyond Nebadon lies the grand universe, which encompasses seven super-universes, each containing a myriad of local universes like ours. At the center of this grand creation is Havona, a perfect and eternal universe, home to the Isle of Paradise, where the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit reside—the Trinity. Havona is the source of all that is, the eternal and divine pattern from which all universes are derived. It is a place of unimaginable beauty, harmony, and purpose, where beings of all orders strive to understand and commune with the divine essence.


   Michael, the Creator Son of Nebadon, is a direct descendant of this Trinity, endowed with the authority and responsibility to create, govern, and ultimately bring all beings in his universe into alignment with the divine will. His journey to gain full sovereignty over Nebadon required him to undertake a series of bestowals—incarnations where he lived as one of his created beings. Each bestowal brought him closer to understanding the experiences and challenges faced by those under his care.


   Michael's final bestowal would be the culmination of this journey. Unlike his previous incarnations as various celestial beings, this bestowal required that he live as a mortal, subject to all the limitations, doubts, and challenges faced by the children of time. The world chosen for this monumental task was Urantia—a planet ravaged by rebellion, marred by default, and scarred by the long absence of effective spiritual leadership. Urantia, known to its inhabitants as Earth, was a place in need of healing, and Michael chose to immerse himself in the very world that had suffered due to celestial disarray. He would come not as a divine being but as a simple human, to show by his life the true nature of the Father and to bring the promise of spiritual liberation.


   The details of Michael's journey to Urantia are well known to many, though often shrouded in myth and incomplete understanding. He came as Jesus of Nazareth, born into humble surroundings and raised in an environment where he experienced the struggles and joys of human life. The child of Mary and Joseph, Michael lived a life filled with lessons that would enable him to understand the human condition intimately—the hunger, the love, the fear, the hope. His life was not one of privilege or exemption from the challenges that mortals face but rather one marked by sincere effort, growth, and profound spiritual insight.


   Michael's purpose on Urantia was threefold: to reveal the true character of the Father to humankind, to demonstrate that the path to God was open to every soul regardless of their earthly station, and to achieve the completion of his sovereign rule over Nebadon. Throughout his life, Jesus showed love and compassion to all—whether they were outcasts, children, the grieving, or those in authority. He embodied the ideals of unity, love, and brotherhood, constantly pointing others toward the higher truths of existence.


   His final days on Urantia were a culmination of the unwavering commitment he had demonstrated throughout his life. He knew that standing for truth, refusing to compromise divine revelation, and speaking boldly of the Father’s love would bring conflict. Yet, he did not waver. He understood that his message was too radical for the religious authorities to accept, too profound for them to tolerate, and he knew the inevitable consequences of his teachings. The choice before him was not whether to live or die but whether to alter his message to avoid conflict or to remain steadfast, knowing full well that it would lead to his execution. He chose unwavering truth.


   His restraint in the face of betrayal, false accusations, and injustice was an act of supreme strength—not submission, but a final demonstration of his teachings in action. He faced suffering not as a passive recipient but as a conscious participant, refusing to retaliate, refusing to bend, refusing to abandon the principles of divine truth, even in the most painful of moments.


   His crucifixion was not an act of atonement, nor was his death required for salvation. Rather, it was the final proof that divine truth cannot be silenced by force, that spiritual conviction transcends physical suffering, and that the mortal journey—however difficult—always leads forward. His resurrection was not simply an event of divine power but the ultimate answer to one of humanity’s greatest uncertainties—what lies beyond death? In returning, he demonstrated to all of Urantia that life continues, that the soul endures, and that no act of violence, no cruelty of men, can sever the connection between a being and the divine.


   Michael's journey was not about conquering through force but about transforming through love, service, and truth. His life on Urantia stands as an eternal reminder that God is knowable, approachable, and present within each of us. His bestowal represents the assurance that each person can find their way, regardless of their circumstances, to a life in partnership with the divine.


   This story of Michael is a reminder for all—a call to see beyond the myths, beyond the misunderstandings, and embrace the beautiful simplicity of his message. The story of Jesus is not just one of ancient history but an ongoing inspiration for the human journey—a path that leads to love, unity, and the fulfillment of divine purpose. Through understanding Michael's mission and the greater cosmos to which we belong, we begin to see that we are not alone. We are part of a vast, purposeful universe, guided by a Creator who loves us deeply and desires nothing more than our growth, joy, and eventual union with the divine.

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A Revelation for Our Time
The Portal Opens is not just a book—it’s a wake-up call. 
It bridges science, theology, and cosmic history, revealing Earth's hidden place in a quarantined universe. 
The time of separation is ending. What happens next will change everything.

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